Each chapter is divided into 3 or 4 lessons (lectiones) and consists of several text pages followed by a grammar section, Grammatica Latina, and 3 exercises, Pensum A, B, C. In Part II, Roma Aeterna, the subject is Roman history. Consta de dos partes, FAMILIA ROMANA, el curso inicial (aplicable a 4 de ESO y 1 de Bachillerato), y ROMA AETERNA, el curso avanzado (2 de Bachillerato y. Pars 2: Roma Aeterna + Index Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata Orberg, Hans. Orberg, es un curso de latn escrito enteramente en lengua latina basado en el 'mtodo inductivo-contextual' de aprendizaje de las lenguas. The 35 chapters form a sequence of events in the life of a Roman family in the 2nd century a.d. LINGVA LATINA per se illustrata, de Hans H. Part I, Familia romana, covers the essentials of Latin grammar and a basic vocabulary of some 1500 words.

it consists of two parts, Familia romana, the fundamental course, and Roma aeterna, the advanced course, with a volume of indices. Ørberg, is a Latin course written entirely in Latin. Lingva latina per se illvstrata, by Hans H.